Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Algorithm for the typical work day @IT team

Step 1: come to college, litter the IT room with bags all over the place.

Step 2:

Step 3: get scolding from reena and and go back to Step 2. continue till you get the 'look'.

Step 4: Address issues like "My wifi is not working!". god atleast say my laptop's wifi configuration is giving a problem. if the subject is cute, stall and give fundas like satellite link down. also try for her phone number while you are at it.

Step 5: entertain some dumb people who cant get to type their name in a word document. Return to step 4, if the subject involved is cute and hot.

Step 6: lick LAB Lord's ass; if lucky might get to see sumukh and Lab ASS in an expletive battle. Enjoy the fun. Keep repeating step till desired 'result' is achieved.

Step 7: discover that our logins have been removed by rajesh and can no longer work from the IT room. go back to Step 6.

Step 8: Work allocation from Reena, go back to Step 2 and Step 3.

Step 9: NCC time, carry meetings to this place for serious fun.

Step 10: decide on movie timings and work out logistics.

Step 11:

Step 12: Get blasting from ram for blocking the download ticket. balls to him. Return to Step 11 after 57 minutes.

Step 13: Reena gives that look, all windows closed. Pretend to be working on emails she sent for the day. go back to Step 2.

Step 14: Meeting time again. Decide on the next meeting. Continue steps 11 and 12 during the meeting. Move to step 4 and 5 during meeting if 'need arises.

Step 15: Decide on Dinner and 'discuss' critical IT issues like how to flog chetan.

Step 16: Execute step 10. Discuss 'work related issues'.

Step 16: Go back home and log on to gtalk. Pretend to work with the Busy status message. give assurance to reena about the work being done. at all costs avoid the 'look' getting transferred by net. typically comes as "hmmmm".

Step 17: Sleep. The End.

2 pings:

Infotech, SIBM said...


Punya said...

that was so cute...hehe :) kudos to vinni..i just knew it had to be u ;)